
This event was preceded by similar seminars held by other SBT clubs so the attendance was not spectacular – 18 people for the Breed talks and 8 for the Multi choice exam. That said we had a couple of long distance travellers, one from Scotland and one even further, from Spain!

The KC are asking breed clubs to schedule one of these seminars every two years but in our breed – 17 clubs – there are not enough candidates to go round to enable such a program. The point is though people have to take on these seminars and pass the exam in order to progress on the JEP ladder.

A couple of photos of the participants below.


Requirements for a Dog Show Judge Seminar 14th July 2019

Held at the Mather Room, Leigh

The program is set out above – basically a two part presentation by Christina Chapman, a KC Accredited Trainer, followed by a multi choice examination – 50 questions.

We had 18 participants on the day and this included Club Secretary Claire Crossman, Club Treasurer Jan Matthews and our Show management team Andy Mayren & Paul Sutcliffe, plus long standing Club member John Finney.

The remaining candidates were drawn from the wider dog showing community.

Everyone passed the exam, some with flying colours – 100%. Christina commented on the high standard of all taking part, better than what she normally gets.

The photo below is of the candidates taking the exam – taking us back to our school days.


And the photo below is of everybody displaying their pass certificates with Christina proudly sat in the middle.

Breed Seminar and Judging Competence Assessment 23rd Sept 2018

Held at the Mather Room, Leigh

The format of the seminar was in two parts – two morning sessions on the Breed Standard and an afternoon session with candidates going over a selection of five dogs of varying merit with the candidate findings being assessed by three Assessors, the results of which lead to either a candidate pass or fail.

This particular seminar followed very closely the guidelines outlined in the KC document

“Code of Best Practice for the Running of a  Breed Seminar and Judging Competence Assessment”.

Candidates passing this assessment can move onto the A2 list (assuming all other requirements are met) and is also acceptable as the final hurdle on the Judges Competency Framework (JCF) to enable judges to move from Level 3 to Level 4 (and award CC’s in SBT’s)

Report by Elaine Norton

What to say – overall most enjoyed the day and certainly the biggest hit was the food – a big bonus win for the NW, so thank you Dave and Julie.
If we were ever to repeat this I think there’d be a number of pointers to bear in mind (there’s no likelihood once the JCF comes into play).
1/ Speakers – in spite of 2 trips to Betty’s and 1 to Archie’s to get the PowerPoint presentation up to speed we were badly let down by the projector. Not only were the visuals out of focus, the magnification was not enough to make them visible to the audience. Finding a competent speaker who sticks to their brief is also not easy!!!
2/ The afternoon assessment.
If we were to repeat this a venue with 2 rooms would be an advantage – the 3 assessors and handlers were frozen using the outside space but at least it was fine!!
The paperwork demanded by the KC seems unnecessarily complicated and confusing but that is out of our hands and all coped with backup from Tec.

I must give praise to Norman Berry, Audrey Hubery and Laureen Williams (the Assessors) who worked tirelessly to sort out the 16 sets of 5 sheets of findings (one for each dog) presented to them in good time; kept in line by Archie.

While we were waiting for results an impromptu question and answer session proved interesting (left)

I’m pleased to say all 16 candidates passed, most with flying colours with others more borderline.

My main thanks go to Tec for administering the whole affair and all other committee members that put in a full shift and especially the 5 dogs who were faultless in their temperament allowing 19 strangers to poke and prod them and check their bite without any indication of anything but good nature.

The KC encourages Clubs to ask for feedback and in this case we received 11 forms back. The quality of refreshments was rated 100% excellent and out of a possible overall rating of 4 we achieved 3.4 reflected in predominantly Excellent and Good ratings across the board. However all is not so rosy – there were a number of negative feedback ratings relating to the Quality of Breed Talks Content – this achieved a rating of 2.7 (out of 4) with one Participant recording a “Poor” rating. Also one Candidate wasn’t impressed with the Method of, Organisation of and Time allocated to, the Assessment. You can’t win them all.

Altogether, 16 people undertook the Assessment. Six people cried off at the last minute (all with apologies) resulting in just 6 people up for the morning sessions, making a total of 22 paying customers actually attending. Adding in the Assessors and Presenters and members of the committee charged with organising the event – 15 in all; this gives a total number of people attending on the day of 37.

Breed Seminar 15 Nov 2015 

With Norman Berry covering the Breed Standard and Archie Bryden speaking on canine genetics

Held at The Mather Room, Leigh

nwsbtc seminar 2015

Breed Seminar with Clare Lee


Held at St Joseph’s Sodality Hall, Mather Lane, LEIGH. WN7 2PR

A really informative day was had by all, around 22 participants were in the hall to listen to Clare Lee share her vast experience of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

The seminar began with Clare explaining the breed standard followed by a good questions and answers session, after lunch every participant got their chance to get their hands on the dogs and put into practice what they had learned in the theory session. I think we can say that the day was a great success, a big thank you to Clare and we forward to the next seminar.

seminar with Clare Lee

Pictured with Clare Lee are, right Paul Sutcliffe and left Les Aspin and below Gary Nicholson and Vicki Butler

seminar pictures paulseminar pictures les

seminar pictures gary

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